Applies to TRM800-14(TRM800 version 2 treadmills mfg. dates 2014 and later.)/18 (TRM800.v2) treadmills Issue symptoms The MC monitors both the current delivered to the drive motor and a thermal switch connected from the motor to the MC. When the software perceives that excessive current has been required, an Error 88 will be displayed. Cycling power will allow the treadmill to ...
read moreApplies to All Cardio with Pxx Series consoles Issue symptoms The Pxx Series consoles have specific software versions for communicating with specific base model LPCAs. When an incorrect console is installed (the console software cannot communicate with the base LPCA) a software mismatch will be detected which will trigger an error code. Note: The MCU for the TRM 600, 700, ...
read moreApplies to TRM800.v2 treadmills Issue symptoms The Dynamic Brake Resistor is designed to absorb the excessive current produced by the drive motor running faster than it is being driven. When the motor control starts, it checks that the resistor is plugged in. If it does not detect the DBR(treadmill dynamic break resistor.), an Error 85 will be displayed. It will only be displayed briefly ...
read moreApplies to Chrono bike Issue symptoms Strain gauge response is, or has been, detected as too high. This error is only detected or cleared while NOT pedaling. The LPCA software has an Auto-Cal operation that zeros the torque when the rider stops pedaling. Auto-Cal operation should show some change when pedaling stops, as follows: Seconds after pedaling stops, and with NO pedaling, ...
read moreApplies to P30 Console, all models Issue symptoms The main symptoms for these errors are lack of control of the ramp incline and/or speed (TRM) or resistance (EFX, AMT). These errors will occur whenever there is either poor or missing hardware communication between the motion controller and sensors. The motion controller to sensor interface cable uses an 8-pin connector. Pins 1-3 are ...
read moreApplies to AMT12, all models Overview Error codes 70 thru 79 overview, see 70-79 Overview. Issue symptom The AMT12 flat belt system has a predetermined life span of 100,000,000 (100M) strides. The AMT12 maintains a stride count independent from the overall machine stride count. When this stride count reaches 90,000,000 (90M) strides, Error 78 is recorded in the error log and ...
read moreApplies to Error "ERR" codes: AMT12 series Warning "WRN" codes: SCL800 series Overview Error codes 70 thru 79 overview, see 70-79 Overview. Issues symptoms The UPCA and LPCA compare the stride count record written on each EEPROM. Error 74: The LPCA stride count is less than the UPCA’s, and the UPCA is less than 30,000 strides. Error 75: The LPCA stride ...
read moreApplies to Error "ERR" codes: AMT12 series Warning "WRN" codes:: SCL800 series Overview Error codes 70 thru 79 overview, see 70-79 Overview. Issues symptoms When power is applied to the UPCA and LPCA, the stride count written on each of the EEPROMs will be compared to each other and to a set of preset stride conditions. If the stride count written on the EEPROM's do not...
read moreAMT12 Flat Belt and SCL800 Drive Belt Error and Warning Codes Overview Applies to AMT12 and SCL800 machines Issue symptoms The AMT12 flat belt and SCL800 drive belt integrity (not breaking) is critical to exerciser safety and must be replaced at the specified usage stride or step count. These codes are used to monitor the AMT12 flat belt stride count and the SCL800 drive belt step count ...
read moreApplies to EFX16 ellipticals Issue symptoms Error 69 is shown after pressing QuickStart. The unit may not be able to power OFF in this situation, which can lead to battery failure or depletion. A primary symptom would be a console that does not power OFF, or a console that will not work when pedaling is stopped (indicating battery failure). Troubleshooting steps: Note: This ...
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