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Precor Error Code ERR EEPROM Problem

Jan 16, 2022

Applies to 9.23, 9.27, TRM211, and TRM200-14 treadmills Issue symptoms This error is shown in the console TIME window when the EEPROM is damaged or unable to retrieve or store data. When the Err error occurs, all drive motor and lift motor motion stops and the display is blank except for the error display. When this error occurs consistently, it indicates an upper PCA(Printed Circuit ...

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Precor Error Code LS Speed Sensor Signal Missing

Jan 16, 2022

Applies to 9.23, 9.27, TRM211, and TRM200-14 treadmills Issue symptoms This error is shown in the console TIME window when the drive motor speed signal is not received from the speed sensor for eight (8) consecutive seconds. When the LS error occurs, the drive motor and lift motor motion stops and the display is blank except for the error display. The treadmill uses a reed switch and two ...

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Precor Error Code 36 Excessive AC Average Input Current

Jan 14, 2022

Applies to TRM800-14/18 treadmills, 120VAC only Issue symptoms: This error will occur if the Overload Slowdown (Error 38) continues to detect high current and has limited the treadmill speed below 5 MPH (8 KPH). The most likely cause of this is a worn deck and belt. It is possible that this error could be caused by a combination of a worn deck/belt and the Treadmill dynamic brake resistor ...

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Precor Error Code 35 Excessive AC Input Current Spike

Jan 14, 2022

Applies to TRM800-14/18 treadmills Issue symptoms Error 35: This error monitors the instantaneous input current to the treadmill. If the input current spikes above 65 amps, an Error 35 will be displayed. The most likely cause of this error will be a catastrophic failure of the MC(Motor Contoller, Motor Controller Unit) Troubleshooting steps Recycle power to the treadmill. If Error 35 ...

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Precor Error Code 24 Reduce Speed Requested, Speed Not Reduced

Jan 08, 2022

Applies to 9.3X, 9.4x, 9.5x, TRM200-14, and TRM400-14 consumer treadmills Issue symptoms Error 24 only occurs on machines that use a DC drive motor. The error is triggered when the speed sensor detects that the speed is increasing when the motor current is decreasing. The following two possible causes could trigger an error code 24: Possible Causes Cause 1: Gravity assisted ...

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Precor Error Code 22, 23, 26 Motor Pulses Incorrect

Jan 08, 2022

Applies to Consumer Treadmills, Commercial Treadmills pre-2006   Issue symptoms Dust on the speed sensor, an inoperative sensor, and a failed lower PCA will cause these errors to be displayed. Error 22 indicates that the drive motor has been instructed to start, by either manual or program control, and the monitoring system has not received any response from the speed ...

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Precor Error Code 20 - Motor Will Not Start / No Motor Movement Detected

Jan 02, 2022

Applies to All AC drive motor treadmills Issue symptoms The treadmill is monitoring the motor movement, through current monitoring. If the lower PCA does not detect that the motor is moving, an Error 20 will be displayed. This can be caused by a disconnected drive motor, or a very heavy exercisers standing on the belt while starting. Troubleshooting steps Verify motor ...

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Precor Treadmill Troubleshooting Error 17 - DBR Thermal Trip

Jan 02, 2022

Applies to Treadmill 800.v2 Issue symptoms This error monitors generated current being sent to the Dynamic Brake Resistor (DBR). When the drive motor is energized, and external forces cause it to turn faster than it is being driven, current is created. This current is sent through the MC to the dynamic brake resistor (DBR). When the MC perceives that enough current is being delivered...

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Precor Troubleshooting Error 16 - AC Input Voltage Too Low

Jan 02, 2022

Applies to All AC powered cardio equipment Issue symptoms The condition that causes error 16 must persist for 15 seconds before it is logged. The most common cause of this problem is external input power fluctuations due to brownouts, blackouts, or other poor power conditions. This can also be caused by wiring that is too small of a gauge or too long to handle the current, or if the ...

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Flexonic VS Standard Poly V Belts For Treadmill, Elliptical, Stationary Bike | Install/Uninstall

Dec 31, 2021

How to Install and uninstall Flexonic and Standard Poly V Belts! What's the difference between the two? Should they be installed and uninstalled the same way? Checkout this Video...

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