Qty Out Of Stock
Out of Stock. (Request Backorder or Used)
"Used Only" - contact us if interested in used or refurbished parts. Send us mail:
XCatalog Number: 1032345
91652 and 84995 set
Used on the following models:
Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)
Nautilus Residential
NE 3000 - Pre-2007
NE2000 - Prior 2007
NE3000 - 2007
215P (2001 and after)
215P (Pre 2001)
230i, 230Ci, 230HRC 1997-2002
235i, 235Ci, 235HRC 1997-2002
330i After 2001
340i After 2001
418 - 2003-2004 - Black
418 - 2005-Current - Gray
540 - PFTL511041
Airdyne Evolution Pro/Comp
CI130 1997-present
CI135 1996-1997
CI135 1997-present
CI230 - Prior to 1997
DX900 (2002)
Johnny G Pro
SRB 1500
SRB 1700 - RB68B-A04G - 1992
SRB 1800
Windsprint - Dark Gray
Windsprint GRAPHITE
Windsprint Pre 97
Provide an email address, and we will notify you as soon as the part is available, you will get a notification if we receive either a new or used condition version of the part you seek.