Catalog Number: 1006559
Used on the following models:
Premium Series - U5x-02-G4 - 2009 - Silver (CB75 & EP90)
Premium Series - U7x-01-G4 - 2009 - Silver (CB75 & EP91)
R3x (RB91B) with (EP603) console
R3xe (RB91B) witn EP604 console
R3xe - 2012 (EP604)
R3xe - 2012 (RB91B)
R5x (RB91B) with EP90B console
R5x-02-G4 RB91, EP90 2009 (Bike - Recumbent)
R7x (RB91B) with EP91C console
R7x-01-G4 (RB92) with EP91 console
R7xe (RB91B) with EP92F console
R7xe-01-G4 (RB91) with EP92 Console
U3x - U3x - 2012 - Silver (CB75B & EP603)
U3xe - U3xe - 2012 - Silver (CB75B & EP604)
U5x - U5x - 2012 - Silver (CB75B & EP90B)
U5x - U5x-04 - 2013 - Silver (CB75B & EP612)
U7x - U7x - 2012 - Silver (CB75B & EP91C)
U7x - U7xe - 2012 - Silver (CB75B & EP92F)
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