Catalog Number: 141996
Used on the following models:
3.0 MX - PFTL313340
320x - 831.293030
320x - 831.293032
320x - DRTL39220
320x - DRTL39221
325i - PFTL31330
325i - PFTL31331
330x - 831.293330
350s Cross Trainer - 831.294230
350s Cross Trainer - 831.294231
350s Cross Trainer - PCTL93240
380i - PCTL49820
380i - PFTL49820
380i - PFTL49821
Crosswalk 345s - 831.294030
Crosswalk 345s - 831.294031
Crosswalk 380 X - PCTL93040
Crosswalk 380x - 831.293040
Crosswalk 380x - 831.293041
Crosswalk 380x - DRTL49220
Crosswalk Perfomance - DTL32940
Crosswalk Perfomance - DTL32941
Ultimate Cross Trainer - DTL33940
Ultimate Cross Trainer - DTL33941
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